In this 3 hour long workshop you will learn Movie Magic with producer David Ball.

David Ball has extensive experience as a producer and has worked on Day of the Dead (1985), Creepshow 2 (1987), Undertaking Betty (2002) and many others.

The scheduling class will be about the need to break down the script thoroughly by entering all information such as:- scene No, scene length, Interior or Exterior, day or night, characters, extras (background) etc on a breakdown sheet for every scene. Details such as SPFX, Makeup, costume etc are also added. Nothing is left to chance. Once everything has been entered we need to start scheduling, bearing in mind availability of actors, length of day and always bearing in mind the details we have submitted on the breakdown page. Ideally, scheduling is a two person job to be positive nothing has been missed. The Movie Magic scheduling is still pretty much the most efficient software available for accuracy.

Lunch break
We will be serving hot dogs in The Underground Café.

Once the schedule is in place, the budgeting software can be used to create a production budget used to attract finance. The class will be shown how we use the schedule to allow us to insert figures required. Preparation time has to be considered as does the shooting period and post production costs. Other charges such as government fringes need to be applied before considering the requirements of the investors in terms of finance fees, contingencies or completion guarantees etc. A production budget can be completed without a schedule but only by a seasoned professional and, even then, there could be doubts about it's real accuracy.

David will be sending links to the scheduling and budgeting essays from his as yet unpublished memoir for workshop members to use.


7 -november 11:00


Bio Roxy 2

Ticket price

160 SEK or included with the Festival pass