In a secluded forest, young Marko lives under the watchful eye of his overprotective and mysterious father. Their sheltered existence is all he knows. Marko seeks solace in his cherished picture book, finding comfort and answers within its pages. One day, an encounter with a kind-hearted, helpless boy named Miko, brings a glimmer of warmth and connection into Marko's isolated world. As his curiosity grows, Marko yearns to uncover the secrets that lie beyond the confines of the wilderness. A cruel turn of events grants him his wish sooner than he expects. A grim journey awaits him, filled with unknown dangers and a glimpse into a world forever changed

Screening at Bio Roxy

6-9 november 2024


Vardan Tozija


Sasko Kocev,

Toni Mihajlovski,

Kamka Tocinovski,

Matej Sivakov,

Aleksandar Nichovski
1 h 39 min